Após 22 dias de bombardeamentos em Gaza e mais de 1300 mortos, o massacre de civis inocentes parou, pelo menos por agora. Israel decretou cessar fogo unilateralmente.
Vale a pena ver o conteúdo dos Flyers de propaganda política e militar das Forças Isreilitas que retirei do Blog "
http://gaza08.blogspot.com/". A tradução de árabe para inglês é feita pelo o autor do blog.
(Flyer 1):
To the people of this areabecause of the terrorism that the terrorist agents of your area are enacting against Israel, the Israeli Defence Forces was obliged to react immediately to such acts and to work as such in your areas We urge you, for your safety, to evacuate this area immediately
Signed: The Israeli Defense Forces
(Flyer 2):
To the citizens of GazaTake responsibiliy for your own destiny!
The terrorist agents and the rocket launchers in Gaza make up a threat to your lives and those of your family.
If you wish to offer your family and brothers in Gaza help, all you have to do is call the number below and inform us of the location of the rocket launchers and the terrorist militias that made you a victim of their work.
Preventing an atrocity now lies in your hands.
Do not hesitate!We shall welcome any information you have to offer us, and there will be no need to mention any private information about yourselves. Discretion is guaranteed.
You can contact us on the following number:
on the following e-mail to provide any data you have about any terrorist acitivity:
PS: To safeguard your lives, we urge you to remain discrete about any contact you establish with usThe Israeli Defense Forces
helpgaza@gmail.com ????? Até onde pode chegar a hipocrisia..
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